Shrewsbury Concert Band

Rehearsing Thursdays 7.30pm during term time at Meole Brace Primary School

Shrewsbury Concert Band

Previous Concerts 

Concerts 2017

Saturday 16th December 2017, 12 until 2pm

Christmas Tree Festival, St Chad's Church, Shrewsbury

Saturday 15th July 2017, 2.30pm until 4.15pm

Kinnerley Fete

Sunday 21st May 2017, 2.30pm until 4.30pm

Quarry Bandstand, Shrewsbury

Saturday 4th March 2017

Rushbury Village Hall

Saturday 7th January 2017, 7.30pm

Silvester Home Institute, Church Stretton

Concerts 2016 

Saturday 17th December 2016, 12 until 2pm

Christmas Tree Festival, St Chad's Church, Shrewsbury


Saturday 16th July 2016

Kinnerley Fete - the band was made very welcome as usual for what has become an annual event.


         Sunday 8th May 2016, 2.30pm – 4.30pm

                 Quarry Bandstand, Shrewsbury

                 An appreciative audience enjoyed a sunny afternoon concert whilst the regatta was taking place on the river.


Concerts 2015

Saturday 19th December 2015, 12 until 2pm
         Taking part in the Christmas Tree Festival, St Chad's Church, Shrewsbury

Saturday 12th December 2015, 1pm - 3pm

Attingham Park. outdoor concert.

Called off due to heavy persistent rain.


Saturday 11th July 2015, 2pm - 4.30pm
        Concert at Kinnerley Fete.


Sunday 31st May 2015, 2pm - 4pm

Concert as part of the Drapers Vintage Classic Cars event at Cound Hall


Sunday 10th May 2015, 2.30pm - 4.30pm

Concert in the Bandstand in the Quarry

Followed by Tea for the Band Members past and present and their families, at The Lion Hotel Shrewsbury - Celebrating 25 Years of the Band under Ken Lumley.

Ken (centre) is seen receiving a gift from band to mark the occasion from

Chairman Sarah Smith


Trumpet player Olie Wyatt  

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