Shrewsbury Concert Band

Rehearsing Thursdays 7.30pm during term time at Meole Brace Primary School

Shrewsbury Concert Band

Second Wind Adult Band

Second Wind is a band for adult players who have not played in a band for a while or who have not played in an ensemble before. The band offers an opportunity to play under the baton of an experienced and supportive conductor.  We meet on the first and third Sunday evening in Meole Brace 7.30pm - 9pm.
All held at:
Meole Brace Junior School
Church Road
Meole Brace
It will appeal to players who have taken up an instrument recently or players who want to return to playing again after a break.
Fees are £25 per annum, £10 per term or £2 per week.

Please bring your own drinks.
Contact through them through our website or ring Judith Clarkson on 07974 689181


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